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Splošno podjetniško besedišče = General Business Vocabulary

Sledi besedišče potrebno za to, da lahko povemo osnovne podatke o podjetju (company identification number, VAT no.), se bolje predstavimo (corporate literature, corporate image, logo), oglašujemo (direct mail brochure, commercial), zaposlujemo nove ljudi (graduate, entry-level job), kaj več povemo o vodstvu (CIO, CTO), strukturi podjetja (parent company, affiliated company) in splošnih razmerah v katerih je podjetje (market conditions, eurozone).

Podjetništvo – Deveti sklop besedišča

    1) articles of association Definicija: n. – an official document which sets out how a company is run Primer rabe: The articles of association detail the responsibilities of directors and the rights of shareholders. Prevod:statut 2) prospectus Definicija: n. – a document setting out details of a service, institution or other event such as a […]
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    Podjetništvo – Osmi sklop besedišča

      1) competitor Definicija: n. – an organisation, person, company etc. that competes with another Primer rabe: ABC Limited works in a niche market and has only 3 competitors. Prevod:konkurent 2) competition Definicija: n. – the totality of people, organisations, companies etc. with which a person, organisation, company competes Primer rabe: ABC Limited regularly monitors what […]
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      Podjetništvo – Sedmi sklop besedišča

        1) EU (European Union) Definicija: abb. – an association of European countries which share a common economic, foreign and social policies in certain areas Primer rabe: The EU is expanding to include former Eastern Block countries. Prevod: Evropska unija 2) eurozone Definicija: n. – the totality of countries which use the Euro currency Primer rabe: […]
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        Podjetništvo – Šesti sklop besedišča

          1) parent company Definicija: n.- a company which owns another (normally referred to as the subsidiary) Primer rabe: The parent company manages all strategic issues relating to the subsidiaries. Prevod: matično/krovno podjetje 2) start-up Definicija: n.- a company that has just been created Primer rabe: My sister works for a small start-up company. Prevod: novoustanovljeno […]
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          Podjetništvo – Peti sklop besedišča

            1) CEO (chief executive officer) Definicija: abb. – a senior executive in a company with responsibility for the company’s performance and strategy Primer rabe: John is the CEO of a large IT company. Prevod: predsednik uprave, glavni direktor podjetja 2) Chairman Definicija: n. – (normally capitalised) a person who is in charge of a company […]
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            Podjetništvo – Četrti sklop besedišča

              1) to recruit Definicija: v. – to hire somebody to perform a job Primer rabe: ABC Limited is recruiting new managers. Prevod:najeti nekoga 2) recruitment advertisement Definicija: n. – advertising designed to attract potential employees Primer rabe: ABC Limited has placed a recruitment advert in the newspaper to fill its vacancies. Prevod: razpis, ki oglašuje […]
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              Podjetništvo – Tretji sklop besedišča

                1) business card Definicija: n. – a small piece of card containing the name, job title and contact details of a person in their professional capacity Primer rabe: I gave out 100 of my business cards to potential customers at a trade fair. Prevod: poslovna vizitka 2) presentation Definicija: n. – an event at which […]
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                Podjetnišvo – Drugi sklop besedišča

                  1) corporate literature Definicija: n. – documentation in printed or electronic form about a company Primer rabe: ABC Limited updates its corporate literature once a year. Prevod: predstavitveno gradivo podjetja ali družbe 2) corporate image Definicija: n. – the image a company tries to develop amongst the public and/or its customer base Primer rabe: Most […]
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                  Podjetništvo – Prvi sklop besedišča

                    1) company (name) Definicija: n. – the name of a company Primer rabe: The company has changed its name. Prevod:naziv družbe (firma) 2) to enter in the register of companies Definicija: v. – to register formally a company with the official registration body Primer rabe: ABC d.o.o. has been entered in the Croatian Directory of […]
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